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Heliotechnik Inc. is a full-service Solar Installation company and Certified Tesla Powerwall Installers. We specialize in residential and commercial Energy Storage, Off-Grid, and Net-Metering systems.

2-14 Parr Blvd. Unit 2 Suite 155
Bolton, Ontario L7E 4H1
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Frequently Asked Questions

Net metering allows you to send electricity generated from Renewable Energy Technologies, like solar PV back through the power lines for a credit towards your electricity costs. Excess generation credits can be carried forward for up to 11 months, including the 11th month, to offset future electricity costs.
Basically it’s like a credit card; when the sun is shining and you aren’t using much electricity the excess energy goes out to the local grid, giving you a credit on your account that you can use later, for example during the evening when the sun isn’t shining. If you install a solar array that produces as much electricity each year as what you use your net bill at the end of the year will be $0.
An added bonus of the program is that most electrical utilities in Ontario will no longer bill you based on time of use, so if you use a large ammount of electricity during peak times (ex. a pool pump, electric heating) you will likely see an additional drop in your bill.
Most utilities in North America have had a Net Metering program for decades. The application process is free and relatively simple compared to the microFIT program especially if the inverter is 10kW or smaller.
Battery back up systems have 3 main benefits:
1. Access to electricity during a short-term power outage. When coupled with solar panels a battery storage system could power specific loads or an entire home indefinately during an emegency ( Expl: ice storm, grid failure).
2. Peak Shaving or Load Shifting which allows a customer to use energy stored in their battery during peak billing periods and then recharge when rates are lower.
The goal is to completely eliminate your Hydro bill by designing a system that produces slightly more enegy than what you use in a year. For example: A 10kW solar array in Ontario can produce around 10,000kWh/Year and could eliminate the electricity bll of a house that uses 27kWh/Day on avaerage. A family of 3 in Ontario uses 10- 30kWh/day.
Where you live could also be a factor in how much you save. Houses in urban and suburban neighborhoods in Ontario pay about 15 Cents/kWh on average for electricity but homes in rural areas may be paying over 31 Cent/kWh because of rural delivery charges.
When the up-front cost of a solar array is divided by a typical 25 Year system lifespan it can produce energy at around 8 Cents/kWh

There are many factors that affect the cost of a solar PV array such as: How many panels, type of inverter, local electrical and building permit requirements and pitch of the roof which adds to the installation time.

Solar equipment is industrial-grade and is designed to last for decades in some of the most harsh environments in the world. They need to withstand intense desert heat, hail and tripical storms and heavy arctic snow loads. Therefore, most of the equipment is made from stainless steel, aluminum, or tempered glass. These materials are not cheap but when compared to their overall lifespan and energy production a most solar arrays can produce electricity tnat is 30%-60% cheaper than the grid.

There are hundreds of solar panel manufacturers but even those that manufacture in North America and Europe source most of the components from Asia. Choosing a manufacturer with a good reputation and local support for any warranty claims is essential. At Heliotechnik we have installed Silfab, and Canadian Solar, Hanwah, and LG modules for years with good success. We have installed and done diagnostics on systems using various brands and found that the solar panel is typically one the least likely points of failure.