Solar Repair & Maintenance
We specialize in solar PV systems diagnostics, repair and maintenance. Years of experience designing and installing commercial, residential and off-grid systems enable us to quickly identify any problems with your solar array and find a durable and cost-effective solution to ensure system safety, and long-term profitability.
To the right are pictures of some typical solar problems caused by animal infestation, improper installation and defective equipment.
Customers with microFIT contracts can replace older, low Wattage solar panels with new, high-performance modules that are currently on the market. This can increase annual income by 10-25%
Our services include:
- Animal Guards
Ice & Snow Guards
Systems Diagnostics
Tree Trimming
Removal of Panels for Re-Shingling
Re-attaching Loose Cables and Wires
Systems Boosting/Optimization
Warranty Claims and Replacement